Cell to Soul in Dance

Cell to Soul

The Potential Story  (Ashley Davidoff and Sally Anne Friedland)

February 2010

Copyright 2010


It was just after an exhibit at the Newton Library in October 2009, that Rosita Fine recommended that we take the show on the road and focus on cancer and particulalrly breast cancer –  We outlined the following plans

Communication with Sally Anne Friedland and then Patti Moss

One of the leads was Sally Anne Friedland a school colleague with whom recent contact through a High School Reunion was made.  I saw her work on U Tube and I knew there was something really special in a potential collaboration.

The Cell to Soul idea was born (October 2009)- we moved on to something a little less scary – perhaps the beauty of the body within “Under My Skin” Sally called it – and then Patti Moss came along and we moved back to the idea of cancer  We are now in Feruary 2010.

By the end of February 2010 we had decided to form an NGO copted Rosita Fine (Northeast coordinator) Hilton Rosenthal (music advisor) Lindsay Leveen (scientiific advisor) and formed a board of directors consisting of

Sally Anne Friedland

Patti Moss

Rosita Fine

Lindsay Leveen

Hilton Rosenthal

Ashley Davidoff

We plan to submit papers to have Cell to Soul Registered by end of February

Create a logo for the company

-and then plan on organizing multiple events for October 2010 to highlight breast cancer awareness month

We have coopted the help of Cathleen Michel a renowned artist from the west coast

below are some of the communications most recent first

RE: onward‏
From: ashley davidoff (adavidoff@hotmail.com)
Sent: Fri 2/12/10 12:14 PM
To: Patti Moss (pmmoss@yahoo.com); Lindsay Leveen (lleveen@aol.com)

Hi Patti

I think we do not have a clear understanding of what and who is trying to fund what – I have to take the blame since I had encouraged Lindsay with his initiatives since my sense was that  we are still trying to find a home and funding – and MArin county with his political connections was looking very promising

Unfortunately my wife lost her sister this morning and so we are dealing with this tragedy – she had brain cancer and went into a coma yetsrday

So if and when I have time I will try and understand rtthe organizations and what is going to be the best route for both missions
ICA and Cell to Soul –
Kol Hakavod to both of you – The missions are all for the good  -we just have to find the most effective way of getting there and combined talents is the way to go



Re: onward‏
From: P M (pmmoss@yahoo.com)
Sent: Fri 2/12/10 1:37 AM
To: adavidoff@hotmail.com; lleveen@aol.com
Hi Lindsay,
It’s wonderful, but please do not change the location. I apologize for not setting out the organizational flow of this project. This event is sponsored by another new org, the ICA-WC and utilizing Cell to Soul as a funding event org. The event itself is on behalf and for the Israel Cancer Association-West Coast and for (partially) the kick off campiagn for the Israel National Hospice. It will also flow funds to help Cell to Soul–but CTS is not the lead agency.
The ICA-WC is asking sponsorship from the SF Jewish Federation. So my feeling is the event will have to be in SF itself. We are asking them to co-sponsor this with us,and we cannot do that and then show up in Marin. ;–) Please check with Ashley and I about any ideas around fundamental changes.
I failed to be certain you and Hilton were aware of how one agency is supporting the other in this event. I apologize for that.
This is where we need to come together and work in sync. I should have been certain to keep everyone on the same page. Here is the relationship history, the funding criteria and project protocol, as I understand it:
a.) The ICA-WC is creating a funding venue to raise capital and establish a west coast presence for the new Ministry of Finance directative that end of life palliative care hospice programs be implented in Israel. As an American Friends funding NGO, we will be hosting events to riase funds for ICA-Israel. Cell to Soul is our primary funding event vehicle,but is a separate entity under contract for our venuesand will be paid percentages of the profits of the events.
b.) The hsitory of our interaction is: In my quest to form this new NGO, I created the idea of associating the fund drive with the Breast Cancer Awareness campaigns in Seattle and SF–and I made alligences with the JF in both communities.
c.) In connecting with SallyAnne,I was connected with Ashley and in discussing his idea, it was agreed that Cell to Soul would become a separate legal entity which will allow for separate missions and funding–but will also serve as a vehicle for funding for ICA-WC.
d.) Part of the partnership agreement is that ICA-WC do the work of organizational management and funding development to create the legal 501c3 and the creation of the board, capital campaigns,etc. Once a CTS board is formed and feels comfortable, it will hire an Executive Director to take over the day to day operational management from Ashley and me.
Also,please be aware that we are also preparing a contract detailing the responsibilities inside the relationship of this event. Please be certain to double check with ICA-WC before making any changes,plans, etc. and once we sign the contracts, we can pass those around and share the protocols for decision making. This event has a great deal of money around it, and we also need to be certain we are on board with one voice towards the stakeholders involved or potentially involved. ICA-WC is the lead, but we share a bond and a relationship that will become mutally supportive. Let do it right and in harmony so the community will see us as strong and in harmony.
The ICA-WC is striving for strong relationships with west coast Jewish Federations and in this case, San Francisco. I also want to be part of the conversation in representing ICA-WC,and so as we partner on this project, please include me in the decision making on key issues etc.  The decisions on the event venue, etc.  are going to have be made between our agencies since there are some factors that involved other groups under our proposal for our own funding to support this event and that are separate, such as using databases for contacts and mailing in SF,etc.
Since we are the sponsoring host agency we will request to be represented in the proposal, which I would like to compose. I am also willing to come to San Francisco to present it alongside you, Lindsay. There is a much bigger picture here than the one event this is part of. Again, let me apologize for not being clear. I made an assumption that you understood the flow. Very sorry and embarrassed for that!
Kindest regards, Patti
Re: onward‏
From: lleveen@aol.com
Sent: Fri 2/12/10 12:33 AM
To: sallyanne49@yahoo.com; pmmoss@yahoo.com; adavidoff@hotmail.com; lleveen@aol.com
Cc: hilton@rhythmsafari.com

Hi All

I have a meeting set with Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (Democrat for
Marin County) for Friday Feb 19 on Energy and Sustainability. I will
use the last few minutes of that meeting to plant the seed that that I
have a team of dedicated docs, artists, dancers, scientists, musicians
etc. that are willing to perform and to speak at a event in October in
Marin to celebrate the 25 anniversary of breast cancer awareness week.
I will also tell her that I work at Genentech and that I will enlist
its support for the event. I will ask her if she wishes to be one of
the speakers at the event. I will also ask her to lend support in
gaining the support of the county commissioners for the event and also
letting us use the auditorium and civic center at a reduced cost
compared with when Willie Nelson performs. It is an mazing venue.
Hilt Bill Graham lived in Marin and could have helped us. Maybe his
son can also be enlisted. One of Marin’s finest MDs (my doc) Katherine
Clark Sayles may also want to help us as she is well connected and she
and a prof at UCSF (David Watts, Karen’s GI guy) both do poetry and
lectures on how healing is not only science but has a human dimension
between the doc and the patient. Genentech has produced a very
informative documentary on the use of Herceptin in treating some breast
cancers. We may be able to get my company to let us also show the
documentary. I will solicit support from the Senior VP of Technology
Development (a good friend) named Ann Lee. We just need a very
coherent plan.

More later


Re: onward‏
From: P M (pmmoss@yahoo.com)
Sent: Thu 2/11/10 7:31 PM
To: ashley davidoff (adavidoff@hotmail.com); Sally Anne (Y) (sallyanne49@yahoo.com)
Cc: Lindsay Leveen (lleveen@aol.com); Hilton Rosenthal (hilton@rhythmsafari.com)
Hi SallyAnne,
I have worried that we are not yet offering you much as far as development of storyline. I do feel that part will go rather quickly once we get past this phase which is essential. Basically it must be prioritized ahead of other things because we have a time crunch with the government IRS filing–which means we cannot get funding (conventional grants) without a letter of determination that says CelltoSoul is an official non profit. I know of NO foundations willing to allocate money without that recognition and I have been writing grants and developing NGO money for two decades.
For us, the issue rests around beating the clock on October Breast Cancer Awareness Month,which is just beyond the time frame the IRS usually needs to process a request for IRS NGO determination. And for myself, this timeline has become so critical that I have set aside my own NGO development of Hospice Israel in order to achieve this. Since my desire is that the benefit funding for the event be given to Hospice of Upper Galilee, I can drive their funds through their American Friends NGO without worry of my own IRS determination may be delayed. My goal is to have CelltoSoul registered before I begin my long journey to Israel by way of northern Alaska (going to visit my son) and NYC on March 6th. I will work each day and be available. We willfocus on storyline during that time.
Long story short,one thing you could work on now is creating a budget for how much it will cost your company to develop a production and bring it to SF and Seattle. Include all costs–development time, rehearsals, planning, travel, everything. I will need a serious detailed budget as part of my funding proposals. I will begin focusing on those once we have the board set up and paperwork finished creating the legal entity of Cell to Soul–about three weeks from now. Do not worry about creating a final product or anything too formal–I am interested in hard numbers to insert in my own budget format.
SallyAnne, I will be in Jerusalem on March 17th. Let’s try to meet at least once during the days ahead of the meeting with Ashley, and take advantage of the opportunity to talk in person. Nothing formal–lunch and shopping may do it. ;–)
Re: onward‏
From: P M (pmmoss@yahoo.com)
Sent: Thu 2/11/10 7:11 PM
To: ashley davidoff (adavidoff@hotmail.com)
Cc: Sally Anne Friedland (sallyanne49@yahoo.com); Lindsay Leveen (lleveen@aol.com); Hilton Rosenthal (hilton@rhythmsafari.com)
btw, It is just a suggestion but after reading the pieces on the site, I think it would be interesting to see CelltoSoul host a small annual. It would be fairly easy to use a WordPress journal linked to the main website, and allow people to simply contribute directly. Food for thought.
Re: onward‏
From:  Sally Anne (Y) (sallyanne49@yahoo.com)
Sent: Thu 2/11/10 7:08 PM
To: P M (pmmoss@yahoo.com); ashley davidoff (adavidoff@hotmail.com)
Cc: Lindsay Leveen (lleveen@aol.com); Hilton Rosenthal (hilton@rhythmsafari.com)

Hi everyone,
I am just the fly on the wall reading all these emails that are going back and forth
Just want you to know  that I read in amazement…. and sometimes things go over my head from lack of knowledge
But my feet are tapping and I am wondering how I am going to put it all together on the ground.
Am going to fix my Skype microphone ( waiting for a technician) and then we can parle all the time .
love to all
Sally-Anne Friedland
Artistic Director, Dance Drama Company
sallyanne@dancedrama.co.il    (+972) 52-568-9351
Re: onward‏
From:  P M (pmmoss@yahoo.com)
Sent: Thu 2/11/10 6:11 PM
To: ashley davidoff (adavidoff@hotmail.com)
Cc: Sally Anne Friedland (sallyanne49@yahoo.com); Lindsay Leveen (lleveen@aol.com); Hilton Rosenthal (hilton@rhythmsafari.com)
Good morning,
Yes, I have followed the Marin County breast cancer issue. (I grew up in the east bay,so I carry on with reading the news even after 30 years away.) It is quite curious because the stats have found no environmental links.(So far, I should say)  I will be interested to see what. You have to say Lindsay. I have a tough time accepting that it is alchohol use (which is the latest) and not the high levels of fertilizers in the ground water. Looking forward to learning more.
I have pulled up the criteria for Genetech’s community giving protocols. I am assuming Lindsay is approaching them from the angle of supporting a local event, for which they have established criteria.
Here are the pages:
As you can see, it certainly appears the SF event falls under their guidelines. Wonderful. The company has a great reputation that I was not aware of. Lindsay, many thanks from my little corner. Grant development is my mainstay,so I am always curious about this area the criteria for giving.
I will take this oppportunity to stress we must aim to file the IRS forms asap. I will try to complete the first drafts of the BYLaws and AI by Monday if not sooner. I pray you are working out getting commitments (and brief bios and mailing addresses etc.) for the board members and advisory board. We can put it all together and ship it off before mid March, which may get us under the wire for approval by September and allow us to NGO grants and other funds.
Ashley, I am going to spend a little time this morning finding out if CelltoSoul is trademarked and if so, who owns it.
Wishing everyone a positive day,
From: ashley davidoff (adavidoff@hotmail.com)
Sent: Thu 2/11/10 12:44 PM
To: Patti Moss (pmmoss@yahoo.com)
Cc: Sally Anne Friedland (sallyanne49@yahoo.com); Lindsay Leveen (lleveen@aol.com); Hilton Rosenthal (hilton@rhythmsafari.com)
Dear Patti

Thanks for your explosive energy

Have created a web site to keep track of our plans and progress and frame the program
Cell to Soul 

Was able to acquire celltosoul.org -( .com  was taken)

Will collate and incorporate your ideas tomorrow

Have to get to work

Lindsay has an agenda that he will share soon but in essence Marin County has a high incidence of breast ca in the community and he has a profile in that community

Cheers and onward

Marin county and breast cancer‏
From: lleveen@aol.com
Sent: Thu 2/11/10 2:49 AM
To: ad@thecommonvein.com; lleveen@aol.com
Ad here is a link to the county web site
another link from the NIH
Here are the links to the civic center auditorium and old frankie lloyd 
-----Original Message-----
From: ashley davidoff <ad@thecommonvein.com>
To: Sally Anne Friedland <sallyanne@dancedrama.co.il>; Lindsay Leveen 
<lleveen@aol.com>; Hilton Rosenthal <hilton@rhythmsafari.com>; Patti 
Moss <pmmoss@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wed, Feb 10, 2010 5:06 am
Subject: FW: an agenda for discussion
Dear All
This concept occupied my mind in the shower this am
Had to get it to you while it is still fresh lest I forget  Excuse the 
mania of emails
throwing it out there to ponder
"Cell to Soul" encomapasses it all - the science and the arts
Evening agenda
In the auditorium
DDC dance
Potentaially other artists devoted to the cause
In the Atrium
Art exhibits in the atrium (invited)
In the Reception Room
Dinner with luminary speakers with an overview for the lay person on 
where we are and where are and where we want to go
MC - Luminary
The Cell - Where is the science going - World Expert
Medicine - Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment  World Experts
Social   - Psychosocial aspects Optimizing Care World Expert
The Patient - the Soul  - Luminary Speaker
ashley davidoff (ad@thecommonvein.com)
Sent: Wed 2/10/10 11:32 AM
To: Patti Moss (pmmoss@yahoo.com)
Cc: Sally Anne Friedland (sallyanne@dancedrama.co.il); Lindsay Leveen (lleveen@aol.com); Hilton Rosenthal (hilton@rhythmsafari.com)

Hi Patti,

I agree that the stars (in many ways) are well aligned for this project
The key for me is to get support for Sally’s troupe in order to get the ball rolling
If we can secure Genentechs support through Lindsay (funding and or venue) we will be well on our way
My sense that for October our mission should be related to breast cancer – awareness education through the arts
If this coincides with your mission – ie if the funding comes from or through ICA then great
If this coincides with my mission – creative arts biology and medicine – then great
When we go to Genetech for example, the apolitical nature will serve us better (the hype of the “25th” anniversary for breast cancer awareness week is a good sell)
When we go to ICA the political nature/slant will serve us better
Not sure if we have to choose one or the other eventually but we should keep this in mind as we go about funding since we do not want them to clash or interfere

We will have to leave it up to you to give us a ballpark figure on what this may take in terms of a budget. Hilton has probably been involved in such endeavours in the past – but he is crazy busy at the moment  I have cc’d him on this email and I am sure he will help as soon as this busy period for him is over

Onward and upward and forward

AshleySubject: RE: new leads
To: “Patti Moss” <pmmoss@yahoo.com>
Cc: “Sally Anne Friedland” <sallyanne@dancedrama.co.il>, “Lindsay Leveen” <lleveen@aol.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 6:25 PM

Chatting with Patti Moss‏
From:  ashley davidoff (adavidoff@hotmail.com)
Sent: Tue 2/09/10 12:13 AM
To: Sally Anne Friedland (sallyanne49@yahoo.com)
Cc: Patti Moss (pmmoss@yahoo.com)


Hi Sally,

Had a great chat with Patti today and many potential directions and will relay to you as best I can what evolved out of our chat


Patti’s mission  is to create an NGO that will help fund Hospice in Israel

My mission became a little clearer and in part it is to integrate art, dance, biology and medicine –  not sure to what end – but I think it is to educate – maybe just to create compassionate truth – who knows at this stage but this is a need of mine

Would love you to crystallise your mission in this endeavour as well

How to Create the organizational Structure

From an administrative perpective Patti suggested that she would have to develop an umbrella Non Government  organization that will accomplish her mission
and that we (with her help) develop a separate organization (also an NGO) that is funded by other benefactors
I have no clue how to do this – but she has a lot of experience and volunteered to help us
I have many contacts in the world of medicine and some in commerce – but the bottom line is funding
I think if we can have an infrastructure to create the funding with PAttis help we may be able to focus on many ongoing projects – ie not only cancer –
Taking the responsibility of an  NGO thing may not be up your alley and I am not too sure it is mine – but I am going along for the moment  –

For Practical Purposes

The idea at the moment is to create a program for October 2010 during breast cancer month  and to try and get funding ASAP

Geographic Venue

West Coast Somewhere  – maybe San Francisco


Patti seems confident that she will be able to fund your work –

We spoke about an event of between 1-3 days dedicated to breast cancer
A combination of a dance performance, art show, maybe even a muscial performance (will speak to Hilton)
We thought about a museum or an auditorium where the art work would be hung and an evening of dance performance /music performance/ perhaps dinner with ticketholders contributing to the fund


Patti is planning on writing a mission statement and will help us with setting up the organization  (if that is what you /I want) We hope to recruit advisors and as per your suggestion some real stars or luminaries who would align themselves with the important mission
Our thoughts are still quite loose but there seems to be something important for us to do
That we have a deadline for October is great since it gives the whole plan some urgency

So we wait for word from Patti who is going to help direct mission statements

Warm regards

This is very exciting!


Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 21:40:40 -0800
From: pmmoss@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: new leads
To: ad@thecommonvein.com
CC: sallyanne@dancedrama.co.il; lleveen@aol.com

Dear Ashley, Sally and Lindsay,
Wonderful news. This project has beautiful energy. Lindsay and Genentech will be most welcome, and also the D’Orsi’s and Hilton. Very nice. As things unfold we can bring everyone into the conversation ~ I really have to say I have never seen a project with such immediate excitement. I am finding it fascinating, and for my part that may become something to observe and write about beyond the organizational pieces. I am going to film this from the beginning.
Dear Patti ,

Was speaking to another school colleague this evening who works for Genentech – His name is Lindsay Leveen – he is a chemical engineer who lives in San Francisco – an amazing guy from many facets and is always looking to help – he has a heart of gold.  (Would say it even if he was not cc’d )

He suggested that we seek the support of Genentech and he could act as an intermediary to bridge us to the appropriate people This would fit beautifully into their model I believe –  Genentech has a campus in SF and they also have an auditorium on campus that could be used for the performance

Other friends of mine (Carl and Ellen D’Orsi) have expressed energetic interest in the program – particulalrly the hospice part  Carl is a world renowned in the mammography world  He is a professor of radiology at Emory U.  Ellen has a son in SF and she said if it is in SF – she’ll be there.   I worked with both of them for 16 years at U Mass They just purchased one of my pieces that relates to the theme – so from many aspects they are a great fit

Hilton Rosenthal – another colleague from school has a high international profile in the music world. In fact he has business associations with Carly Simon – He also has generously offered to be of help wherever he can.  he is busy at the moment with a new program – so when the dust settles we can pick his brain.   he said  he would be seeing Carly Simon in April in Australia and will discuss an endorsement with her.   Hopefully by April we will have a better idea of our diection- so that Hilton can present it to her when we have a better idea about the program

Warm regards


To: “Patti Moss” <pmmoss@yahoo.com>
Date: Monday, February 8, 2010, 3:45 PM

Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 11:27:17 -0800
From: pmmoss@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: 25 yeasr NBCAM
To: ad@thecommonvein.com
CC: sallyanne@dancedrama.co.il

I just want to send a note to say how delighted I am with the project. Sally Anne, as I said to Ashley, I consider you such a gift. One thing we should attempt to accomplish is learning how to utilize Skype’s conference calling feature so the three of us may be on together and therefore more effective.
I will be away today and some of tomorrow, as I need to focus composing constructive guidelines for the business end of this project as well as develop a tasking list for you. I will be back here tomorrow afternoon. At that time I will connect you with Cathleen Michel.
Kind regards,
Hi Patti

A good web site with potential resources


From: P M (pmmoss@yahoo.com)
Sent: Sat 2/06/10 6:11 AM
To: ashley davidoff (ad@thecommonvein.com); sallyanne49@yahoo.com
Hi Ashley,
Thankfully my son was not hurt–just scared senseless.
As for where I am living right now, the short version is I have been traveling in my semi retirement for a few years, basing out of Portland. I am in the process of relocating to Seattle. I have traveled quite a lot since 2006.
I semi-retired a few years ago, going into non profit funding development consulting–in other words, grant writing. I also consult NGO boards on management practices. I spent the majority of my career in medical admin and NGO work. I worked in hospice care for some time.
In the last few years I have been studying art and supporting artist’s efforts alongside the social serviceand medical funding. I wrote a Guggenheim Fellowship, bought original art for galleries, that sort of thing. I was in southeast Alaska learning the gallery business with a friend, when the 08 season ended and I flew to Barrow, Alaska to photograph polar bears. I have been selling stock images of Alaska for some time.
On my way to NY and Israel, I came through Sitka to consult with the National Park Service and a museum board, and to visit friends. Unfortunately during that stay I had a serious fall and broke my back very badly. It is still unclear how much I can recover. Long story short I am carrying on and anxious to get resettled in my own home again. My children are either abroad or in college, so I stayed here with my friends. I will return to the northwest as soon as May. Seattle has a much larger Jewish Federation than Portland and my son wants me to live there. There is some pressure to locate the office in San Francisco.
Now, as for your responses, I believe they are excellent and entertaining. Most importantly, I believe they offer Sally Anne the framework for her suggestion that there be a storyline about an individual character”s journey.
I believe you understand the nuances of the experience of breast cancer and society’s obsessions with breasts–and most importantly all the poignant feelings around the careanf feeding of breasts.;–). 
I know from hospice work and from my own sister’s death from breast cancer at 36 that there are so many unexpected aspects to loving someone with breast cancer. She had been my childhood hero. I awoke the early morning after she passed and stood in my kitchen filled with every cell attentive in knowing that I had something she wanted very much: that morning and another day. Her son was just three years old. In hopsice I cared for many women with BC.So, I was being a little protective of the potential for people dealing with anxiety and loss, but I truly believe you caught it just right. Now I cannot wait to see what Sally Anne says! Bravo, really.
Tomorrow I will spend time with Cell to Soul.
— On Fri, 2/5/10, ashley davidoff <ad@thecommonvein.com> wrote:

From: ashley davidoff <ad@thecommonvein.com>
Subject: something new
To: “Patti Moss” <pmmoss@yahoo.com>, “Sally Anne Friedland” <sallyanne49@yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, February 5, 2010, 7:17 PM

Hi Patti and Sally

Hope your son has recovered from his ordeal Patti  Did he actually go through the windshield.  This is always my fear in the Northeast winters  The black ice – invisible to the eye but a perpetual danger to anything that treads on that  dangerous territory   Where are you living now?

Thanks for your email

Must say the admin hierarchy and the NGO’s elude me – and I have to depend on those, who know that world, to advise

However I thought about your very practical questions and was challenged enough to start working on them

You posed

“I hope we can each spend some time considering what to bring to the table about the idea of message.
What do we want to say to people?
Who is the show for?
Who will watch it and how will they feel if they are fighting cancer and scared?
What if they lost someone and have unresolved feelings?
What if they were hurt by the medical experience? What if they are religious—>or not religious?
When they leave, what do we hope they will feel?
These are the sorts of things to consider along with how they will be compelled (through marketing images and messaging) to attend. ”

This is what I came up with for the moment

If it is to be breast cancer – (and this is my current vote) the performance should not all be about cancer

My initial idea is to have a few dances that each artistically defined different aspects of the breast – (in medicine it is about structure, function, disease, diagnosis, and treatment)
the structure of the breast  – the cells the components and the marvelous conglomerate structure /
the function of the breast – breast feeding  all for one and one for all – harmonious function of each cell for the grand whole –  social message – nourishment satisfaction warmth bonding /
secondary sex organ  – the remarkable fascination –  perhaps something on the humorous side of the adolescent fascination and the adult fascination /
breast reduction /enlargement  Dr Seuss type story  – ie you want whatever you have not got/
the breast confined by day in a bra/ humor
the emotion of first finding out the diagnosis (mammogram biopsy)
a dance on the concept of cancer (space occupation and or apoptosis – cell that has a deranged sense of time) social message/
cancer as a rebel in the community with no regard for the community at large – the social message /
treatment – radiation and or surgery and or chemotherapy – sad sad sad struggles loss of hair /self image /hope
and finally an emotional struggle with breast cancer – the family / husband /friends providing support – times of strength and hope and times of weakness and loss of hope but really the bottom line about support that is needed Would tend to want to exclude a win story or  a lose story  message – Support of close family and friends becomes the bottom line  perhaps appeal for the support of the powers beyond

This approach would have truth social messages humor and sadness and hope of human support as the important element
I had started a web site called “
Cell to Soul ” which has some early ideas in art form (http://www.imagingdomain.com/navdoc/doc_view_fs.asp?id=16)

In fact I still like the title “Cell to Soul” – has a nice ring

What does the artistic director think?


Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 17:26:39 -0800
From: pmmoss@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: something new
To: ad@thecommonvein.com; sallyanne49@yahoo.com

Hi Ashley and Sally Anne,
Very exciting and such a good fit. I am very pleased we have this opportunity to do really powerful and meaningful work that has such potential for bringing a spiritual connection through dance visuals.
My intention was to spend the day detailing the proposed methods for development of funding, and instead I have been distracted with helping my son settle down after coming so close to killing someone accidently by sliding his car through an icy intersection that he said it was as if he vaporized and floated through solid metal and then solidfied back into a human being… It really shock him up. It didn’t do any favors for his greying mother either. I spent quite a lot of time putting out fires, so please allow me to compose what I intended to send and send it tomorrow evening, a bit tardy.
I will come to Israel about17th of March for approximately three weeks.
As for the ICA, there is an American Friends org in Palm Beach, Florida doing 3-4 benefit events each year generating about $500,000. They began as the only US ngo for the ICA and unfortunately titled themselves as the national headquarters when they are operating as a small regional entity. One of the sticky wickets is reorganizing the USA presence,
The west coast office will be focusing on several approaches: collaborative events with the Jewish Federations, of which your art dance will be part of, capital campaigns attaching onto the US Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaigns and diverting attention toward giving to Israel,and corporate relations and grant seeking through alliances in research development. So yes, I would be extremely interested in discussing your affliation with Philips, as they already have a positive relationship with Israel. Perhaps you would be interested in heading that campaign. This is basically how the project will be funded, as a program hosted under the umbrella of the ICAUSA -West Coast
I am delighted we can spend time in work sessions in TA. As far as agenda, I will be interested in discussion regarding how to approach the storyline and decide whether to focus on one cancer, strictly from a funding marketing viewpoint and offer suggestions to you as advise and not as directives, since it is your show. I will leave the artistic direction to you experts.
There are many things to consider from a marketing and funding viewpoint. I hope we can each spend some time considering what to bring to the table about the idea of message. What do we want to say to people? Who is the show for? Who will watch it and how will they feel if they are fighting cancer and scared? What if they lost someone and have unresolved feelings? What if they were hurt by the medical experience? What if they are religious—>or not religious? When they leave, what do we hope they will feel? These are the sorts of things to consider along with how they will be compelled (through marketing images and messaging) to attend.
My own feeling on marketing the show is that it should be attached to another event or venue. Perhaps a conference, a collective show with other Israel venues, or the autumn Breast Cancer Awareness Month events. I am developing run teams for the Race for the Cure which will be Race for the Israeli Cure and our teams will be will headed up with prominent Israel stakeholders and visual signaling for the ICA.
One other thing to consider is the prospect of not being accepted by the ICA. Or perhaps as a consideration along with whatever they may offer. For sometime I have been interested in helping Israeli artists get exposure and funding in the US. Therefore, no matter which way this ICA thing goes, I want to request you consider forming an NGO which an Israeli  board can manage as a US entity, and is for associated Israeli artists. In fact that is how I refer to it: American Friends of Associated Israeli Artists. This will allow the group to operate as a non profit co-operative, setting criteria for being a member and associating in order to get grants for appearances in the US, Canada and other places.
Setting up a co-operative allows you to control membership so you have a productive pro-active board and members. There are dangers and stumbling blocks but if done right it should serve to help with marketing and expenditures for companies needing help. I feel it can potentially overcome the burden of trying to market as individual entities. It may be possible that there is a benefit in creating this and using your cancer presentation as a break out project. This could empower the production to broaden the show and take it to other cities or Asia. The tools I will develop for bringing the show to the west coast could become your tools for expanding on that inside your own NGO. Food for thought.
Anyway, the evening is here.
Shabbot shalom,

— On Fri, 2/5/10, ashley davidoff <ad@thecommonvein.com> wrote:

From: ashley davidoff <ad@thecommonvein.com>
Subject: RE: something new
To: pmmoss@yahoo.com
Cc: “Sally Anne Friedland” <sallyanne49@yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, February 5, 2010, 3:00 PM

Dear Patti,

I am delighted with the potentially great news and your energy and enthusiasm that seems to match ours
We are hoping that you receive the promotion to West Coast executive director of American Friends of the Israel Cancer Association
Is there an East Coast division?

I chatted with Sally today and we started to throw some ideas around  Of course we are rarin to go since we have some powerful raw material to work with, combined with what may be a unique angle and an opportune window  As a dancer in a former life – my passion for this endeavour extends beyond the subject – in addition to my utter admiration of Sally’s work

When you give me the go ahead I will send Sandy Bertman (http://www.sandrabertman.com/) some info of what we are trying to do She is a professor of thanatology – death and dying – She  is a powerhouse personality -has a few books ..  not sure of where and how she can help us – but will be good to have her on our “team”

I work very closely with the educational division of Philips medical systems who have large subdivisions in Israel – I am sure if and when we get going they may be an organization to look towards

As we evolve  I will don my thinking cap re other potential connections

My question as I ponder the work is whether it should be focused on a particular type of cancer -( ie breast cancer ) or cancer in general  I favor the former

Would  love to meet up in Israel  Will have to jump through some hoops to get my schedule changed – but if we are moving in the right direction and if it will be beneficial for the team  – I will there

I am home on Monday 8th (Boston – Eastern time)  Could set up a time to talk if you want from 10:30am onward  617-964-2181

Shabbat Shalom




The Evolving Name and Story

Patti Moss posed the following questions

 “I hope we can each spend some time considering what to bring to the table about the idea of message.
What do we want to say to people?
Who is the show for?
Who will watch it and how will they feel if they are fighting cancer and scared?
What if they lost someone and have unresolved feelings?
What if they were hurt by the medical experience? What if they are religious—>or not religious?
When they leave, what do we hope they will feel?
These are the sorts of things to consider along with how they will be compelled (through marketing images and messaging) to attend. ”

This is what AD  came up with for the moment

If it is to be breast cancer – (and this is my current vote) the performance should not all be about cancer

My initial idea is to have a few dances that each artistically defined different aspects of the breast – (in medicine it is about structure, function, disease, diagnosis, and treatment)
the structure of the breast  – the cells the components and the marvelous conglomerate structure /
the function of the breast – breast feeding  all for one and one for all – harmonious function of each cell for the grand whole –  social message – nourishment satisfaction warmth bonding /
secondary sex organ  – the remarkable fascination –  perhaps something on the humorous side of the adolescent fascination and the adult fascination /
breast reduction /enlargement  Dr Seuss type story  – ie you want whatever you have not got/
the breast confined by day in a bra/ humor
the emotion of first finding out the diagnosis (mammogram biopsy)
a dance on the concept of cancer (space occupation and or apoptosis – cell that has a deranged sense of time) social message/
cancer as a rebel in the community with no regard for the community at large – the social message /
treatment – radiation and or surgery and or chemotherapy – sad sad sad struggles loss of hair /self image /hope
and finally an emotional struggle with breast cancer – the family / husband /friends providing support – times of strength and hope and times of weakness and loss of hope but really the bottom line about support that is needed Would tend to want to exclude a win story or  a lose story  message – Support of close family and friends becomes the bottom line  perhaps appeal for the support of the powers beyond

This approach would have truth social messages humor and sadness and hope of human support as the important element
I had started a web site called “Cell to Soul ” which has some early ideas in art form (http://www.imagingdomain.com/navdoc/doc_view_fs.asp?id=16)

In fact I still like the title “Cell to Soul” – has a nice ring

What does the artistic director think?

Sent: Sat 2/06/10 2:47 PM
To: Patti Moss (pmmoss@yahoo.com); Sally Anne Friedland (sallyanne49@yahoo.com)
Hi Patti and Sally

Seems like a very interesting and noble lead up to your current endeavours Patti – Hospice stands out and your sisters experience stands out as motivators  Would love to see your photography Tried to Google but did not find your images  The NGO experience is huge for this endeavour and a relief that somebody on the team knows the hows and whys of this  Your passion for art just adds to the karma

Re the story line

Do not want to get too far before we get Sally’s input but the ideas keep on rolling in my mind and I do not want to lose the thoughts and the momentum

So I updated cell to soul and added two “essays” that are part of the breast module on The Common Vein
(“Cell to Soul ”  URL =ttp://www.imagingdomain.com/navdoc/doc_view_fs.asp?id=16)
Under the Electric Sun  was written by Jodi Daynard an English teacher in our school – whose family name was Davidoff two generations ago – we are likely close relations – same towns of origin in Lithuania – we met in the park walking our dogs – her story describes her profound experience and emotions while undergoing radiation therapy

In 2007 I started an essay which I have now called Biography from a Little Womb
I like to personify the cells and organs of the body – I make myself very small and I go on an inside journey and try and describe and experience what is happening  I had thought this is what Einstein had done to understand physics – but I have tried to find the reference and cannot  Anyway it is a very useful excercise for me and allows wonderful artistic licence

I am far from finished but it fits the cell to soul theme – by taking the cell as the “person” that suffers inside the body it allows some distance from the personal well known common experience  – but it educates in a more remote but real way (I think?)  The soul takes it in the other direction and also I think takes the pain away to some extent because of the implications of the infinite

The cell is key to the whole body One bad egg and the whole can be destroyed We see this again and again in history and it is the story of cancer  The parts that make up the whole – that 1+1 = 1 and oneness and Hashem are part of this as I have written before

Could imagine the conception and the internal genetic debate between an XY and XX outcome – and in this case it is an XX = female as the opening dance and the forerunner of what is to come as a result of that earlest conflict of chromosomes

biography from the small womb as the breasts develop in utero

and then as described below in prior emails social humorous human tragic support messages

arrival of the rebels (sharks vs jets???  type dance of West Side Story Fame)
undergoing therapy
support of the family

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