TCV and Fine Art

TCV and Fine Art

Ashley Davidoff MD

Copyright The Common Vein 2014

The Brush Strokes Depicting Three Adults in a Space The artist attempts to create a wholeness out of the units and the art succeeds if the wholeness is depicted and sensed by the observer.  The artist wants to tell a storyand uses size shape position and color of individual brush strokes to do this.   Davidoff Art Copyright 2014

The Brush Strokes Depicting Three Adults in a Space

The painting is made of individual brush strokes.  The manner in which they are connected and organized into the whole final product creates a wholeness

Gain a perspective –  a place from which to look at art, learn to look, and you will have new appreciation.

The parts that make the whole…the bonds that bring the parts together to make the whole….the whole  that has a new energy but also a new yearning for wholeness.

Parts in art- the individual brush strokes, of a different size, shape, position,  texture and color are bonded together by the canvas.

The final piece becomes whole and stands alone but in the context of the art studio,  home, or museum .  There is occasion when an art piece makes you stand in awe at the miracle of the geniusartist who has give the world a glimpe of wholeness.

The Painting and The Common Vein

Units, bonds and driving forces in the context of space and time are part of art.

The painting is an example .

The artist attempts to create a wholeness out of the units and the art succeeds if the wholeness is depicted and sensed by the observer.  The artist wants to tell a storyand uses size shape position and color of individual brush strokes to do this.  

Davidoff Art Copyright 2014

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